We have signed up to the Under 6 scheme.
This provides for a GP visit card to all children without a medical card up to the end of the month they turn 6. Those with a current medical card though automatically enrolled in the Scheme will still have a full medical card.
To enroll on the Scheme you can visit www.GPvisitcard.ie and where on line registration will be facilitated. If you are awaiting medical card approval you can still apply for this on an interim basis.
This provides for routine medical care between the hours of 9 and 5 only. Outside of these hours the scheme only covers urgent or emergency care. If you attend for routine care in Southdoc you may well be directed to attend your own GP
The scheme involves an Asthma Cycle of care. This will mean checks at 3/12 from registration as an asthmatic and then a yearly check thereafter.
The government want routine checks of weight and height at 2 and 5 years of age. We understand that this may be repetition of what the Public Health Nurse does but the Government have insisted on it.
There may be more attendance due to this scheme and we will try to ensure it will not impact on our more vulnerable patients. We would encourage parents to employ common sense with regards colds etc but if you are concerned please do make an appointment with the Doctor.